Monday, February 3, 2020

United States (US) NURSING SHORTAGE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

United States (US) NURSING SHORTAGE - Assignment Example By passing the Patient Protection and Affordable Act aforementioned, the Obama administration achieved a milestone; in regard to expanding Americans’ access to universal healthcare services. Access will also include services provided by both Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and RNs. Accordingly, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) works in collaboration with policy makers, learning institutions, the media and nursing organizations. This is aimed at bringing general public attention to this concern. Importantly is the fact that policy making ought to consider the aspect of continued growth, in terms of health care needs (Rosseter, 2014). An aging nursing workforce and a diminishing avenue of new nursing student influence this situation. This shortage, it should be noted, is being faced all round the world, with nations enhancing their implementation of various policies towards addressing the issue. Pertinent to the situation is the issue of improved scientific and technological expertise, therefore, only necessitating only the sickest of patients to undergo intense treatment, under hospital stay. Thus, specialized and skilled work force is greatly in demand abate the lack of optimal supply rate (Littlejohn et al., 2012, p. 23). Unfortunately, in the USA these issues are being experience, just as a major segment of the nursing population is retiring vis-Ã  -vis an expanding health care sector. The result is that health institutions and clinical settings require more nurses especially those skilled in specialized care provision more than ever. Statistically, it was noted that there was an increase in the average age of working registered nurse workforce. From this aspect, it is predictable for almost half of the nursing population being aged 50 years and above in the near future. Adding to this is the fact that as these registered

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