Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder - 1953 Words

Bipolar disorder (BP) is a debilitating mental illness that is found in 2% of the population and that onsets in late adolescence and early adulthood (Fabbri et al., 2014). The causes and treatment of BP are not known however there are many biological and cognitive theories (Myers, 2013). The types of treatment include various medications and types of therapy such as cognitive behavior therapy (Abrams, 2004). The very important question that needs to be asked is whether cognitive behavior therapy is a more effective treatment for bipolar disorder than multiple types of medications. Bipolar disorder is characterized by the polar shift in mood from mania to depression in a set amount of time which can range from hours to months (Fabbri et†¦show more content†¦CBT is used to prevent relapse along with improving the entire course of the disease for the patients (Myers, 2013). The aim of CBT is to alter the way a person thinks as well as acts (Myers, 2013). A great way to go about CBT is to retrain a person’s negative thoughts into realistic and attainable goals such as completion of homework without becoming upset (Myers, 2013). The point of a therapy session is to teach the patient how to go about daily life and how to retrain your thinking along the way (Myers, 2013). For example, a person with bipolar disorder could be in a manic state struggling with keeping their composure. With CBT they could try to make a conscious effort to slow down their thinking and to take everything one step at a time (Myers, 2013). Even though it is difficult to retra in a brain to do this, it is extremely efficient because they are allowing themselves to change the course of their BP without the use of medications that wouldn’t allow the same in depth understanding (Myers, 2013). People often refer to BP as being a chemical imbalance in the brain which is true (Abrams, 2004). However, in order to treat the mania along with the depression using medications or CBT it is important to understand what causes the depressive and manic states (Abrams, 2004). When a person has depression many molecules in the brain are not bound to receptors which are normally activated by reuptake into the presynaptic nerve fibers (Abrams, 2004). Instead,

Monday, December 16, 2019

Managing a diverse workforce Free Essays

Managing a Diverse Workforce Our society is becoming more diverse. We can see people from different nation or different racial in our daily life, this situation is more obvious in school and workplace, especially in multinational. A diverse workforce combines employees from different nations, ethnic and gender that together create a more creative, innovative, and productive workforce. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing a diverse workforce or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many companies see workplace diversity as an investment toward building a better business. However, although workplace diversity can help many make more profits, it also brings some challenges to employees and managers. Below are several common challenges often happened in workplace diversity. First challenge is poor communication (Holt, n. D. ). Workplace diversity often has employees from various backgrounds and experiences. Sometimes, those employees do not have common language. Therefore, it caused difficulties for employees to communicate with each other, and lead to misunderstandings and a decrease in productivity. Second challenge is resistance (Holt, n. D. ). Although oracle diversity can help company make more profits, some employees or business owners may not want to make any change, because those people only want to stay in their comfort zone. Therefore, making diversity in workplace without any plan may cause negative impacts, such as decrease productivity, damage morale and lead to bad workplace environment. Third challenge is discrimination. Employees may discriminate against others because those employees think they are better than others. There are several types of discrimination may happened in workplace. For example, local employees may discriminate against foreign employees because local employees think they have geographical advantages, male may discriminate against female because male think they are better than female, white may discriminate against black or yellow because white think they are superior than them. There are too many possible discrimination may happen in workplace. For managing a diverse workplace, some companies use affirmative action to maintain the diverse in workplace. How to cite Managing a diverse workforce, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The War on Drugs Fighting a Losing Battle free essay sample

This paper explores drug prohibition in America. It is written from a point of view that supports the legalization of drugs. Political, constitutional and financial affects on American government are discussed. This paper examines the repercussions of drug prohibition. This paper is written from a point of view that supports the legalization of drugs. It explores the history of Americas War on Drugs from a political and financial standpoint. Crime, civil liberties, foreign countries economies and medical uses for illegal drugs are discussed. Many of the statistics that are studied in this paper are taken from the DEAs web site and proven to be invalid through outside sources. This paper looks at where the government funding for drug prohibition goes; it also looks at drug prices, crime rates and statistics pertaining to the inmate population of drug offenders. Every year Americas drug policies are debated in Washington. These drug policies are never debated seriously, the only aspect our elected representatives focus on is how much more money should America spend battling drugs. We will write a custom essay sample on The War on Drugs: Fighting a Losing Battle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Outside of Washington there is a growing unease about the war on drugs. Many Americans are concluding that the drug war has been given a fair chance to work and has failed. Americas war on drugs is an unsuccessful battle, and its time for a governmental reform.