Thursday, January 9, 2020

Reentry And Reentry Initiatives Jenifer - 1445 Words

Reentry and Reentry Initiatives Jenifer Roberts Brown Mackie College TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT†¦ PAGE 3 INTRODUCTION†¦. PAGE 3 SUMMARY†¦.. PAGE 3 WHAT IS REENTRY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ PAGE 3 GOALS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT†¦.. PAGE 4 LAW ENFORCEMENT REENTRY INITIATIVES†¦ PAGE 4 REENTRY COURTS†¦.. PAGE 4 WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF FAITH-BASED AND COMMUNITY INITIATIES†¦ PAGE 5 SERIOUS VILENT OFFENDER REENTRY INITIATIVE (SVORI)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. PAGE 5 TRANSITION, REUNIFICATION, AND REENTRY†¦ PAGE 5 PROJECT GREENLIGHT†¦.. PAGE 6 CONCLUSION†¦ PAGE 6 REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. PAGE 7 Abstract There are many different initiatives that are for the reentry process of prisoners (Delisi†¦show more content†¦Introduction This paper will inform one on the different types of initiatives that are set into place to help when the prisoners who are released from prison. The reentry process is difficult for an offender to transition back into the community. The initiatives that are going to be mentioned in this paper will describe the help that is offered to the offender and their families if they want to utilize it (Delisi Conis). There are also other groups that will help the prisoner with different areas in their lives. Summary What is Reentry? Reentry is a process of preparations and assisting offenders who are in adult detention and the delinquent correctional facilities while they finish their sentence and integrate back into the community (Delisi Conis). This is a complex transition for the prisoner, the prisoner’s families, and the community. Congress seen this was a serious problem so they passed the Second Chance Act 2007 (SCA) (NIJ, 2015). Goals of Law Enforcement Just to name a few of the goals that law enforcement looks at and considers that is related to reentry of prisoners. These goals are the public safety, the officer’s safety, they want to lower recidivism, lower crime, and try to educate plus inform the community about what the reentry program is and some of the issues they may encounter in their community. This will prepare the community to help with supervision of the offender once released

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